try yoga , seems good ;) - think about your health

Thursday, April 10, 2014

try yoga , seems good ;)

''YOGA'' benefits and how to start it :

Physiological Benefits of Yoga:

  • Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
  • Pulse rate decreases
  • Respiratory rate decreases
  • Blood Pressure decreases 
  • Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases
  • Gastrointestinal function normalizes
  • Endocrine function normalizes
  • Excretory functions improve
  • Musculoskeletal flexibility and joint range of motion increase
  • and also Weight normalize.

Psychological Benefits of Yoga:

  • Hostility decreases
  • Concentration improves
  • Memory improves
  • Learning efficiency improves
  • Mood improves
  • Self-actualization increase
  • Social skills increases

How to Start yoga ?

1 Pick a Yoga Type
A little research will be required on your part. Many yoga classes are out there, and you may be turned off if you pick one that does not suit your personality .
2 Find a Class
Online resources will help you find a yoga class in your area. You can also check local alternative newspapers or wellness magazines for listings or search online for "yoga" and the name of your town.Pick a studio that is convenient to your home or work so getting to class will be easy.
3 Learn What to Expect
In a typical yoga class, the students place their mats facing the front of the room (often identifiable by a small altar or by the teacher's mat) in a loose grid. It's best not to line up your mat exactly with the one next to it because you and your neighbor will need some space in certain poses
4Be kind to yourself when you practice yoga. Go slowly, especially in the beginning, and listen to your body. It knows what it can do. If it says "stop," then stop. Don't push it. Yoga is not a competitive sport
5 Make Time for Yoga You need to set aside a time each day, every other day, three times a week – whenever – and mark that time on your calendar. If you’re not taking a class (when you probably won’t have as much flexibility with time), choose a time that’s most convenient for you and one when you’re least likely to have distractions. And, once you schedule that time

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