Tuesday, August 12, 2014

perfect workout

  1. Lunge – Knee Driver – Squat: Start standing with your feet together. Then, step back with your right leg, lunge down, then drive your right knee into your chest. Step that right knee out into a squat. Stand back up and tap your right foot back to center. Repeat on the other side.
  2. Dolphin Push-Ups: Start in forearm plank. Use your core, quads, and shoulders to lift your butt into the air like a dolphin. Repeat.
  3. Squat + Calf Raise: Stand with your feet hip width distance apart. Keeping your chest lifted and weight in your heels, squat down. Then stand up and, rocking your weight into your toes and lifting your heels for a calf raise.
  4. Box Planks: Start in high plank. Then, lower your right elbow down, then your left elbow down so that you are in forearm plank. Press your right arm back up and then your left arm back up. Repeat.
  5. Tip Top Squats: Start squatted down on your toes and finger tips. Keeping your heels off the ground, lift your booty. Then, lower back down. Repeat.
  6. Down Dog Push-Ups: Start in down dog. Then bend at the elbows, lowering your upper-body towards the ground. Press back up. 
  7. Alternating Curtsy Lunges: Start with your feet hip-width apart. Then step your right leg back so that your right foot is to left of your left leg. Lunge down and press pack up to stand feet hip-width. Alternate sides. Make sure to keep your chest lifted and back flat!
  8. Falling Chaturanga Push-Ups: Start on your knees. Keeping your back flat, fall forward, catching yourself with your hands. Lower down into a modified chaturunga (tricep push-up), pinning your elbows in. Spring yourself back up. Repeat.

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