700-Calorie Workout
This is the medium level where you would need a mat or carpet, some paper plates or small towels, weights/dumbbells and a chair or stool. The 700-calorie workout consists of 4 main sessions:
- A warmup cardio session (about 7 minutes);
- Strength exercises (18 minutes);
- Repeat the cardio session (7 minutes);
- Abdominal workout (7 minutes).
We’ll start with a 7-minute cardio session. There are 5 exercises, 30 seconds each, and you have to do 3 sets.
1. Toe Touch Jumping Jacks (30 sec)
It’s just like a basic exercise that you would have performed in your school days. Jump up with both hands over your head, then squat down and touch your feet with the hands. Stand up and repeat for 30 seconds.
Keep your back straight during the entire exercise.
2. Switch Lunges (30 sec)
Keeping your chest up, kneel without touching the floor with your knee. Then jump kneeling with the other leg, again, without touching the floor with the knee. Alternate legs for 30 seconds.
3. Half Burpee With A Star Jump (30 sec)
As the name already suggest it, you’ll have to do a burpee, but instead of just jumping up, you’ll have to do a star jump. You have 30 seconds to perform as many reps as you can.
4. High Knees (30 sec)
Run in place and try to raise your knees as high as you can, while maintaining your back straight. Keep running with knees high for 30 seconds.
This is the best warm up move in this 700-calorie workout session and helps the body to increase your stamina.
5. Frog Jump Burpees (30 sec)
These are burpees with a push-up and a frog jump combined. Do as many reps you can in 30 seconds.
Now, that you’ve finished the cardio workout, rest for as long as you need to recover (but no more than 5 minutes) before moving on to the strength workout session.
The strength session of the 700-calorie workout has 6 different exercises where 50 seconds will include continuous workout and then 10 seconds of rest in between exercises. Here are the strength training moves:
1. Squat With Front Raise (50 sec)
This exercise is just like a regular squat, but on the way down you have to raise the dumbbells in front of you, at the shoulders level. Do it for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
2. Tricep Push-Up + Mountain Climbers (50 sec)
Do 4 push-ups and then 4 mountain climbers, and repeat until the 50 seconds run out. When doing tricep push-ups, keep your hands as close as possible on the floor. A narrower gap between your hands means a better workout for your triceps.
3. Alternating Back Lunge With Bicep Curls (50 sec)
Lunge back and do a double bicep curl at the same time. Don’t rush and focus on your posture during the entire 50 seconds.
4. Single Leg Squat (50 sec each leg)
This is considered to be the most difficult exercise, but with a little practice, you can do it like a pro. All you need is a chair behind you for support.
As the title suggests, you’ll have to squat in one leg only. For a better balance, use a chair to sit on it when squatting down. You can make it harder by removing the chair.
5. Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings
Just swing the weight up at the shoulders level, and down between your legs for 50 seconds.
The strength workout is done now, so rest for a couple of minutes, then do the cardio session again.
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